No us podeu perdre aquest vídeo del grup de música OK GO, White Knuckles, on tots els gossos que surten són gossos rescatats per famílies adoptives.
OK GO expliquen a la seva pàgina web que hi ha un gran número de gossos que, desgraciadament, no tenen la mateixa sort que aquests que ja tenen una família i poden viure feliços la resta de la seva vida.
Al final del vídeo veureu que surt una adreça on demanen ajuda i recolzament per salvar animals abandonats.
Un gran vídeo amb un enorme missatge.
You'll never get that taste, out of your mouth
You'll never get the paw prints, out of the hen house now
And you can't go back, same way you came
Round all the pieces up, but they just dont fit the same
White knuckles
Maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
White knuckles
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
Aww go ahead and let it down
So come and let it all out, let it bleed
Did you get what you want? Did you get what you need?
Behind the lines, behind the walls
Tell me what's the bet you made, was it that bad after all?
White knuckles
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
White knuckles
Aww maybe it's not so bad
Just let it all come down now
So just have fun, it's far enough
Everybody needs to sleep at night, everybody needs a crutch
But couldn't good, be good enough?
Cause nothin' ever doesn't change but nothin' changes much
Yeah, maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
White knuckles
Aww maybe it's not so bad
Just let it all come down now
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
Just let your hair come down now
Oh maybe it's not so bad
Just let it all come down
You'll never get the paw prints, out of the hen house now
And you can't go back, same way you came
Round all the pieces up, but they just dont fit the same
White knuckles
Maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
White knuckles
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
Aww go ahead and let it down
So come and let it all out, let it bleed
Did you get what you want? Did you get what you need?
Behind the lines, behind the walls
Tell me what's the bet you made, was it that bad after all?
White knuckles
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
White knuckles
Aww maybe it's not so bad
Just let it all come down now
So just have fun, it's far enough
Everybody needs to sleep at night, everybody needs a crutch
But couldn't good, be good enough?
Cause nothin' ever doesn't change but nothin' changes much
Yeah, maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
White knuckles
Aww maybe it's not so bad
Just let it all come down now
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
Just let your hair come down now
Oh maybe it's not so bad
Just let it all come down
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