Una preciosa melodia amb un vídeo pertorbador. Violent, fred, cruel.
Doncs això és el que pateix el toro a la plaça, entre mirades de nens, aperitius, begudes i crits d'alegria. Com canvia tot quan ell es defensa i lluita per la seva vida, oi?
Un espectacle de sang i crueltat aplaudit per molts que hauria de ser eradicat.
A aquest vídeo, li ha arribat el torn al "matador".
Something good, oh something good, oh something good,
Oh something good tonight will make me forget about you for now
Get high, hit the floor before you go
Matador, estocada, you're my blood sport
But something good, oh something good, oh something good
Oh something good tonight will make me forget about you for now
Forty-eight thousand seats bleats
And roars for my memories of you
Now that I'm fully clean
The matador is no more and is dragged from view
Get high, hit the floor before you go
Matador, estocada, you're my blood sport
Forty-eight thousand seats bleats
And roars for my memories of you
Now that I am clean
The matador is no more and is dragged from view
But something good, oh something good, oh something good
Oh something good tonight will make me forget about you for now
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